Ready to take action?
Uproot the System!
On the 24th of September, climate activists around the world will unite for a global […]
Plus de Promesses Vides – Bilan de L’action Climatique 2021
En avril et mai 2021, des militants du monde entier sont de nouveau descendus dans la rue et sur les ondes pour se battre pour une action climatique significative de la part de ceux au pouvoir – se dressant contre les dirigeants mondiaux au Sommet de Biden sur le climat, les tribunaux de l’Union européenne et le climat tueur-corporations lors des réunions d’entreprise.
No More Empty Promises: 2021 Climate Action Update
In April and May 2021, activists around the world took to the streets and airwaves once again to fight for meaningful climate action from those in power — standing up to world leaders at the Biden Climate Summit, the courts of the European Union, and climate-killer-corporations at company meetings.
Monthly Recommendations
See what the newsletter team has to recommend for our June 2021 edition!
Read stories about environmental defenders around the world from Pakistan, Namibia, and Mexico. Learn about why their voices are so important for the climate justice fight how you can raise awareness to amplify their voices.
What is MAPA and why should we pay attention to it?
Intersectionality, MAPA and how these two words are so powerful and important in the Climate Justice fight.