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Uproot the System!
On the 24th of September, climate activists around the world will unite for a global […]
Ready to Take Action
Check out some important campaigns happening currently and what you can do to help!
Renewables: Rewriting the Narrative
Multiple studies and research efforts have repeatedly stated that a swift and just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is essential in order to mitigate the ever intensifying effects of climate change. However, much of the world is still far behind when it comes to achieving this goal. Why is that? And what role does fossil fuel rhetoric play in this delay? Find out with this article.
This is Not New(s)
If you have even a basic understanding of climate change, then you are probably aware that the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are the main drivers of this crisis. It is reasonable to state that if the fossil fuel industry had stopped its polluting activities and governments had stopped subsidizing Big Oil and Gas, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. But, in recent years…
Monthly Recommendations
See what the newsletter team has to recommend for our July 2021 edition!
Drop Fossil Fuels
Activist battles against major fossil fuel companies have been a defining characteristic of the climate movement for decades. Multiple campaigns continue to challenge these companies. Read more about the recent battles that have been fought, and won, in this article.
No More Empty Promises: 2021 Climate Action Update
In April and May 2021, activists around the world took to the streets and airwaves once again to fight for meaningful climate action from those in power — standing up to world leaders at the Biden Climate Summit, the courts of the European Union, and climate-killer-corporations at company meetings.
Ready to Take Action?
Check out some important campaigns happening currently and what you can do to help!
MARCH 19TH: #NoMoreEmptyPromises
The global Day of Climate Action- March 19th was a big day, with strikers around the world fighting against the climate crisis. Learn and read about the experience of diverse local groups and countries.
As world leaders come together in a promised effort to finally tackle the Climate Crisis, many critical events related to climate & environmental policy are taking place this year. Learn from these events from COP26, G20, G7 to the Biden´s World leaders Summit.
SCB: Climate killer and Fossil Fuels Financer
Read how Climate Activists fight banks’ investments in fossil fuels that fund our destruction and damage our world.
Discover how you can take real action for Climate Justice. Get involved in our campaigns, join the next Global Climate Strike on March 19th and sign petitions!