ready to take action?


On the 22nd and 23rd of April, President Biden will be hosting a Leaders’ Summit on Climate for 40 “world leaders” to talk about their far off net zero targets. It will just be the same blah blah blah and empty promises as usual. 🔥 Therefore, in Fridays for Future we’ll carry out a series of actions to demand #NoMoreEmptySummits and #NoMoreEmptyPromises from our World Leaders! Click on the picture to see the different ways you can get involved! 🔥🌎📢 And sign the petition!

cut the crap, withdraw the cap!

Fridays for Future Finland has published an Open Letter to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, demanding transparency of the CAP planning process and tightening of the environmental objectives of agricultural policy. Read more about the CAP here and sign the petiton here before the 21st!

Save the okavango delta

ReconAfrica a Canadian company is drilling for oil in the watershed of the Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage site whose waters are a source of sustainable livelihood for more than a million people. They predict discovery of enough oil to blow 1/6 of the world’s remaining carbon budget. Read more here and sign the petiton here.


The Kinipan Forest located in the island of Borneo is threatened! Learn more about the issue and indigenous defenders’ efforts to protect it here and sign the relevant petition here.


French oil giant Total and the China National Offshore Oil Corporation are on the cusp of building a massive crude oil pipeline right through the heart of Africa – displacing communities, endangering wildlife and tipping the world closer to full-blown climate catastrophe. The East African Crude Oil Pipeline needs to be stopped. Read more here and sign the petiton here.

declarations are not enough

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the Climate Crisis. The government has declared a planetary emergency but only making such declaration is not enough. Sign here the petiton to implement the Bangladesh Planetary Emergency Declaration and Incorporate climate education in school curriculum.

no more burning!

In recent years, Honduras has been devastated every summer by fires, burns and logging throughout the national territory. Last year, 2020, more than 81,000 hectares of forests were lost. Fridays for Future Honduras demands that the authorities act to prevent forest fires from taking place as in past years. Sign the petition here.