Dear Executive Director Russell,
We are writing to you out of deep concern on the matter of UNICEF partnering with companies and franchises that are in opposition to the mission of UNICEF and the promises you have made to us as children and youth, in all our diversity.
It recently came to our attention that UNICEF UK has formed a partnership with Formula One, an organization that over the years has distinguished itself for organizing races under the patronage of dictatorships (Azerbaijan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia), which called the attention of civil society, including Amnesty International.
In addition to human rights concerns, Formula One’s perpetuation of the fossil fuel industry, corruption, and intimidation has fueled the climate emergency we are facing now. In a single season alone F1 emits over 256,000 CO2 equivalent tonnes. Rather than ambitious leadership towards a just transition, F1 has greenwashed society with empty promises and illusions of care for the climate. For example, their Net Zero target by 2030 lacks commitments, actions, and accountability 1. Recognizing UNICEF’s Children’s Climate Risk Index Report, that acknowledges the importance of treating “ climate change like the crisis it is and acting with the urgency required to ensure today’s children inherit a liveable planet.“, we are deeply concerned about this partnership. This misalignment of priorities forces us to reconsider our own collaborations with UNICEF.
We are hence asking you to withdraw from this partnership with Formula One and stand with us in upholding the United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child, specifically:
ARTICLE 3 (the best interests of the child): In all decisions and actions that concern children, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.
ARTICLE 12 (respect for children’s views): Every child has the right to express their view on matters that affect them, and for these views to be taken into consideration.
ARTICLE 24 (health and healthcare): ensure children have healthcare services, nutritious food, clean water, a clean environment and healthcare information.
“As UNICEF Youth Advocates, our mandate involves actively working with you on decision-making processes on important issues that affect us at national, local and global level. This is the time for you to hear us out and prioritize the people and the planet over profit.”-UNICEF Youth Advocate
We understand that managing such a large organization and its immense mandate is not easy and requires creative fundraising. At the same time, many of us work with and rely on UNICEF to help us survive present climate risks and shocks as well as save our future from exponential climate change impacts. We believe UNICEF should walk the talk when it comes to committing to a better future for children, listening to children and young people, and doing its due diligence when selecting its partners and donors to ensure they reflect these shared priorities and join hands with us to champion the call for a global transition away from coal, oil, and gas. Therefore, we reiterate our call for UNICEF to dismantle its partnership with Formula One.
Thank you for your attention, we look forward to receiving your solidarity in ensuring a safe, secure, healthy and liveable planet for all of us. Remember, justice delayed is justice denied.
In solidarity,
Global youth and children
Signed by (among others):
- FFF India
- FFF Digital
- There Is No Earth B
- New Hope For Poor
- Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty
- FFF Zambia
- FFF Sudan
- FFF Maghreb (+212)
- Save Future Bangladesh
- FFF- Sierraleone
- FFF – Kenya
- Viernes Por El Futuro Colombia
- Re Earth Initiative
- One Up Action
- XRY Liverpool
- FFF Kajiado
- FFF Morocco
- Klimastreik Schweiz
- Glasgow Against Arms and Fossil
- FFF Sweden
- FFF Indonesia
- FFF Togo
- FFF Czech Republic
- FFF Ukraine
- Greve Climática Estudiantil
- XR Biel/BIenne
- FFF Burundi
- FFF Windhoek
- FFF Zimbabwe
- FFF Scotland
- FFF Nigeria
- FFF Venezuela (central region)
- FFF Netherlands
- FFF Germany
- XR Biel / Bienne Switzerland
- Youth For Climate Turkey