#SaveAfghanActivists #SOSAfghanistan
Around 150 individuals consisting of Fridays For Future Activists and their immediate family are stuck in Afghanistan and face persecution under the Taliban. They are in urgent need of being evacuated as soon as possible.
The Fridays For Future Activists in Risk Zones (ARZ) Task Force has been in active contact with 4 NGOs to attempt rapid evacuation and resettlement efforts for young activists who are fleeing Afghanistan.
The ARZ Task Force is trying desperately to connect with designated state officials and other established humanitarian NGOs in the hope that they can include a list of around 150 individuals, including young children and their immediate families, on known flight evacuation lists.
We can only get our people into evacuation processes if their lead contacts make themselves known to our Task Force and provide intel and assistance.
- To state officials coordinating flights in the next 24 hours, please get in touch with us now via arz@fridaysforfuture.org. We have listed individuals and associated IDs in the right format. We need to share this with you to access flight and rescue efforts.
- We are also asking NGOs or state departments who have relevant information that might assist our rapid response team to provide specific details here and we will be in touch as and where appropriate.
Countries around the world are now indicating a withdrawal of state forces from Afghanistan over the coming days, leaving many FFF activists in grave danger. Coordinated humanitarian work is only possible in this immediate window, but we are quickly running out of time. The ARZ Task Force invites those who can to support their crowdfunder at https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/fffafghanistan
We’re asking Fridays For Future supporters to reach out to their country’s officials in a mass email/twitter storm so that our call for help cannot be ignored. Show solidarity with the people of Afghanistan and help us put pressure on governments globally to take responsibility for the consequences of their politics and demand justice. Don’t leave FFF Activists behind.
For more information, please contact the ARZ Task Force at arz@fridaysforfuture.org
I cannot recognize my city anymore. No one can work. No one can see friends. All of my favorite places don’t really exist anymore. Me and the other activists feel as though they are being abandoned, even by the organizations they’ve worked closely with over the years. They feel that no one can know what they’re going
[Name Redacted], 24, FFF Activist in Kabul
through, and that the rest of the world will just continue on as normal and they will be completely forgotten about after the 31st. No one has the will to help them
Fridays For Future spokesperson in the Activists In Risk Zones task force said:
Climate activists in Afghanistan have risked their lives to protect the planet. We’re working as fast as possible to ensure their safety and putting pressure on the international community to mobilize all the possible efforts.
Llorenç, 17, Humanities Student & FFF Organiser
Climate 2025 spokesperson coordinating with the Activists In Risk Zones task force said:
Climate 2025 primarily exists to support social movements working for systemic change amidst the climate and ecological emergency, and so our experience in geopolitical evacuations is limited to say the least. Despite this, we felt compelled to respond to the call for support which we received from the youth climate activists we work alongside at Climate Live who are affiliated with Fridays For Future. The incredible individuals in the Activists In Risk Zones Task Force is working tirelessly to support their peers at risk in Afghanistan, and it’s a hugely emotional and high anxiety effort given the volatile situation on the ground and uncertain outcomes. We would all benefit from additional support from established NGOs in the spaces of mental health & wellbeing, legal support, and most importantly connection with key evacuation coordinators to get our names onto known flight lists.
Sarah Greenfield Clark, 38, Co-founder Climate 2