Europe Beyond Burning
We are in the middle of a climate and biodiversity crisis. We need systemic changes, but the European Union has instead offered us another scam. They have found a new remarkably scamful way to make them look “green”, by burning forest biomass for energy and classifying it as renewable in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED).
This is all being made worse as the EU classifies the burning of forest biomass as “zero emissions” in their targets, even though burning wood emits more CO2 per unit of energy than burning fossil fuels like coal or gas. Burning forest biomass is considered a renewable source of energy because ‘planted trees grow back’. However, forests are precious ecosystems, they cannot be re-planted. Also, these environmentally harmful planted trees do not grow back fast enough to meet the Paris agreement.
Forest biomass must be taken out of RED. Join us in stopping this scam and demand REAL action and true renewables!
If forest biomass continues to be classified as renewable, countries will continue to burn biomass on an even larger scale in order to reach their renewable energy targets. This not only allows them to keep the old infrastructure and concept of “burning for energy” but also makes them look like “climate leaders” – but only paper.
Carbon from burning trees warms the climate; therefore, burning trees and other wood does not help, but instead it hinders the much-needed decarbonisation of the energy system.
We cannot solve the climate & biodiversity crisis with the same mindset that got us into it. We must uproot this system!
The problem is real and urgent. Burning forest biomass is heavily subsidised by EU taxpayers’ money. We have already paid out approximately €10 billion a year, meaning that all of us are unknowingly paying for burning, instead of funding truly renewable energy sources. This absurdity must be stopped now. The EU must take forest biomass out of RED – and we will fight for it!
What you can do
Organise with us:
Join the Campaign!
Join the group FFF: Europe Beyond Burning and the channel Europe Beyond Burning Channel – via there you can stay updated on the campaign and join the calls
Share the video with the call to action by Greta Thunberg to Frans Timmermanns from the EU Commission.
Campaign Toolkit
Share the campaign toolkit with your country’s FFF chapter!
Sigh the petition to #StopFakeRenewables
Join the digital and physical actions!
- Physical: Organize actions on the International Bioenergy Day (21st October), calling the EU to take forest biomass out of RED
- Digital: Participate on the Tweet and social media storm (more infos with digital campaign wg); Write your own open letter in national media; Post and speak up online using the official hashtags: #EuropeBeyondBurning #StopFakeRenewables
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