Clean up Standard Chartered
Fridays for Future fights against Standard Chartered Bank’s abuse of environmental and human rights by providing finance to fossil fuel expansion. As a movement, FFF rises up to stop SCB from financing fossil fuel companies immediately.
What is this about?
Divestment Campaigns:
A key driver of the climate crisis is the global financial system which continues to invest, lend and direct capital flows to new fossil fuel exploration and infrastructure. As 1.2°C of global warming is already the hell for most countries, it is time to end this dirty business. Fridays for Future make sure of that.
Who is SCB?
Standard Chartered is the UK’s coal bank, a climate killer. This bank is investing billions in fossil fuel companies all over the world. In total, with their dirty business they have channelled $24 billion into coal, oil and gas companies already since the Paris Agreement.
Why SCB?
The SCB is one of the world’s largest coal financers, with significant fossil financing particularly in MAPA and regarded as a critical first-mover on the global financial market. With COP26 being in the UK this year and SCB being headquartered in the UK, this is a perfect opportunity to remind them to raise their standards. With $8.5 billion this bank is one of the largest financiers of coal expansionists since the Paris Agreement. Mainly, the investment goes into coal plants, mines, and infrastructures developers in Asia and Africa, like Indonesia and the Philippines.
Some of the companies that SCB finances and are active in Indonesia are PLN Persero, Indonesia Asahan Aluminium , Adaro Energy. In the Philippines they finance other companies like Top Frontier Investment Holdings, Aboitiz Equity Ventures and Marubeni Corporation. They even finance a company active in Argentina called AES. The world’s most aggressive coal plants expansionists. They also finance the coal mining companies Glencore and Anglo American.
The companies are headquartered in Switzerland and the UK, however their business lies mainly in South Africa, Colombia and Australia. SCB also finances the Canadian company First Quantum Minerals which is currently constructing a coal power plant in Botswana. Despite almost half of the population not having access to reliable electricity, the power would be exported to South Africa. In South Africa, they finance Eskom which is operating incredibly dirty coal plants and still has massive expansion plans.
What can I do?
Organise with us:
- Share the open letters:
- Share this news with your country FFF chapter (and translate the presentation).
- Develop your own ideas and share in your group!
- Join the telegam channel for updates.
- Add and find people who have SCB offices in their country.
- Join the digital and physical actions!
Physical Actions:
- Physical action signs, stickers, banner designs, letter template for standard chartered bank office, etc, are available here.
- Organize actions targeting SCB as one of your targets for the Global Climate Strike on March 19th #NoMoreEmptyPromises.
- This can be in front of SCB offices.
- It can also be in public places where people will see even if there’s no SCB office in your country.
There are different levels of engagement for youth climate activists/ groups. It does not matter what level you choose please make sure you take as many pictures as possible and upload them here.
If you can do any level of these actions please join the channel.
Level 1. Print /paint the campaign logo and have at least one in your strike (even if the strike is about other things too)
Level 2. Do some stickering / poster sticking in front /near your SCB office; if there’s no office in your city, use the stickers template talking about general bank divestment (getting banks to stop funding coal)
Level 3. Strike anywhere in your city about SCB, make sure to have the campaign logo in your signs (difference with level 1 is for level 3, SCB is one of the main focuses of your strike)
Level 4. Print/draw the campaign logo and other SCB related signs in your strike and have a strike in front of the SCB office (alone or with others)
Digital Actions:
- Our official hashtags: #CleanUpStandardChartered & #RaiseYourStandards
- Participate on the Tweet and social media storm.
- Write your own open letter in national media.
- Check out the toolkit.
Share pics:
All ready to go!.
Sample captions:
Standard Chartered Bank is fuelling the climate crisis 🔥 While they pretend to be decarbonising in their greenwashing advertisements, they are investing billions in fossil fuel projects all around the world. Since the Paris Agreement, they have channelled $24 billion into coal, oil and gas companies #CleanUpStandardChartered #RaiseYourStandards
@stanchart pretends to be committed with sustainability, yet it is the world’s largest coal financer since the Paris Agreement. We won’t accept #NoMoreEmptyPromises. It is time to end their dirty business. Join us to demand #CleanUpStandardChartered ‼️and keep an eye on ➡️ www.FridaysForFuture.org/CleanUpStandardChartered
(Notice: use at your own risk.)
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